Monday, May 01, 2006

When I grow up...

Quick movie reveiw:
I saw 'Friends With Money' this week and liked it very much. I won't say loved, because I reserve that term for actual 'love' of something. But I really enjoyed my time in the theater with these characters. It's about women in their late 30's and early 40's living life, at varied levels of richness. I liked the flick because it portrayed women as they really look at those ages. I saw wrinkles and age spots and crows feet on a huge movie screen, and I loved it. Women in their 30's and 40's are beautiful. I hate when I see actresses who are no where near 40 having 20 year old kids! Anywho...the story was about how these ladies plotted their life courses and ended up with different amounts of wealth, succsess, and different kinds of men.

Frances McDormand rocks!!! She rocks hard with her bad self. In this film she is amazing. She's the friend that starts having fears and depression about aging. I loved her character because she is 43 and just lets go of caring. *laughing* She stops washing her hair, she starts yelling at strangers and calling it as she sees it. LOVE HER. She does go a bit over board, but, no matter...still love her.

This movie reminded me of why I can't wait to turn 40. I'm gonna rock 40 like you can not believe. I have always loved women in their 40's, ever since I was young and began to clock womens ages without having to ask. There is a freedom there, a fearlessness I enjoy. A great many lessons have been learned, but there is still so much life left to live. At an older age, you know yourself well enough to go for the good stuff and cut out all the crap. And black women in their 40's can be dangerous, I can't wait.


Blogger SW said...

Ladies, might I suggest you go the way of The Verse and differentiate between who is posting on your blog. Perhaps you decided to keep posts anonymous by choice, but it would help out us readers to know who authored which blog.

This is just so I know who to argue with next time I see you for posting this particular blog.

In any case, ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

I too saw friends with money this weekend thinking it was going to be a light whimsical comedy, over the dark, scary and muched hyped Hard Candy.

I won't say it was horrible, but definitely won't say it was great. The movie left me empty and depressed. Characters were good, was like a watered down version of Sex and the City meets Golden Girls, and really, who didn't love either of those shows? So, it had its merits. BUT!

Yes, it portrayed real women, but what was it trying to say? Maybe it wasn't trying to say anything at all but all I got were a bunch of rich west-siders complaining (damn you west-siders!!!). I just wanted to tell them all to shut it. Even Jennifer Aniston, who had no money, and her lack of ability to stand up for herself with the guy really annoyed me. (But maybe she just reminds me of myself?)

There were a few funny moments here and there, and yes, Frances was good, probably the best in the bunch, but still, that behavior was never really explained. It just was. And there was no reason for it other than the fact that she turned a year older. I didn't see her empower herself with any likeable actions, instead I just watched as she turned rude and crazy. Seriously, her character depressed me, and it did the exact opposite to me as it did to you: this movie reminded me of how much I'm dreading turning 40. I should show this movie as a PSA to 16 year olds who are drinking, smoking, and growing up way too fast.

The only character I really truly enjoyed was Frances's husband. He didn't care what others thought of him, he was supportive of his crazy wife, he liked smelly soap, and he just seems like a genuine nice guy (which seems hard to come by these days, no?). He was my favorite, and if the movie was more about him, and less about whiny west-siders, then it would've been ok.

That's it for now. Until next time, the curtain is closed. (and...cue jingle)

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright, alright, break it up ladies!! clearly, i have to see this movie this weekend. what will i think about it?? wouldn't you like to know!! wait, you actually might...

6:17 PM  

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