Monday, August 07, 2006

For Your Consideration

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This is Slothy, code name Slothbot. He works as a computer programmer at a video game company in the valley.

Or so we've been told.

Slothbot's work area is unlike the average programmers office. Notice his throne of technology. Slothy, I suspect is working on top secret government projects.

His ergonomic chair with the split keyboard arm rests are way too snazzy for a mere programmer. His chair looks more like a pilot seat, than anything else.

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That has to be it. Slothy is a top secret pilot, flying top secret space ships. I saw him in a NASA shirt the other day. He would probably say he got it from his cousin, who is an astronaut. But I don’t believe it. She probably got him in the super secret space pilot program, that’s more plausible.

The government is building a fleet of fighter space gliders, remotely manned by under cover agents on earth. I bet there are others in my office. I should go check work spaces. There could be more techno thrones.

There is a large pyramid of diet dr. pepper cans in an office. I don't know what that means, but I'll keep my eye on it. - mel
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