Where my people at???

On Oprah recently, I saw an interveiw with Angela Bassett about the new movie she's in, Bee Season. It was an ok interveiw. Oprah asked about Angela's new babies, twins, a boy and a girl. Pictures of the babies were shown, everybody swooned. Then Oprah told Angela, "You look great!" Angela said thanks and told Oprah how old the kids were, I think she said 11 weeks. Then Oprah asked if she was getting any sleep, Angela replied, 'yes, I have full time help.'. Yes, there is a point to this reaccount. Angela Bassett was never pregnant!!! She and her hubby had twins via surrogate. She looks great cause she was never pregnant, she looks great cause she has full time help. Why didn't Oprah mention this, did she even know? I wouldn't have known if Von hadn't told me. There is some woman out there who is gonna see that and think, 'i just had twins, and i don't look anywhere near as good as she does.' That's not right. Why do we know so much about certain celebs lives and nothing about others. And by others I mean black celebs. How many people knew Gabriel Union was married to a professional football player?? O.K. How many knew she is now separated? She is a huge black star, huge. Yet I know more about Brittney Spears's dirty ass husband than I do her.
And I could give a crap.
What are Jada and Will doing? What project is Spike Lee's wife working on? Who is the father of Jill Marie Jones's baby?!?!?! Cause damn it I want to know. The press is being racist. Black celebs should get equal air/page time. The only black celebs you see on a tabloid cover are Oprah and Micheal Jackson. And we know Oprah is always goning to have weight issues and she is not gay. Micheal, well, he is out of the country.
Maybe I should be greatful for what I do get. Latin's only have J-Lo. -mel
Don't even get me started on MY people, yo. hehe.
But serious...as I was reading your post I was thinking, isn't Angela a bit old to have a baby? Why would she not mention the surrogate business? Why? And Oprah...well, you make a good point, she should've brought it up. So many people watch that show.
Let me ask though...WHAT is the big deal with Oprah? I could see it back in the 80s, maybe even up to mid 90s, but how is it that she has the whole universe under her spell? I just don't get it!
you folks are slackin yo!
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