Kinda In The News...

This is Representative William J. Jefferson, who is facing trial next year on charges of bribery, racketeering, conspiracy, money laundering and obstruction of justice. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges. He will be playing the role of himself. I will be playing the role of his conscience, in the voice of a black woman... **clearing throat**
Oh I see you, sitting there, with that broke down look. Sitting there in the shadow of your emancipator. Damn! What? You too far gone to get up and move so the photographer wouldn't catch you looking pitiful? You get no sympathy from me. You know how many black men I've seen with that same look? If I had a quarter for every time... I'd have no trouble finding change for laundry, cause I'd have enough quarters to buy a washer/dryer for my house.
Here's the thing, I wanted to believe you. I always want to believe you. But damn! You then go and do some seriously niggerous shit. You hide 90,000 dollars in your fridge, wrapped it in foil and stash it in food containers. That's some drug dealer shit... New Jack City.
What was wrong with what you had? You are a congressman, Sir. Sitting in the shadow of Lincoln. You know he didn't free the slaves because of the milk of human kindness flowing from his heart. It was politics. Was this just politics? George Bush had to bail you out. You know you're wrong when that happens. Wrong. Black man, get your shit together, you are 60 years old. Fucking around trying to bribe Africans. Ain't nothing right with that sentence. Just cause you see white folks doing shit, doesn't mean you can do it. AND I KNOW you've seen white Congressmen and Senators doing things in the same vein. You're not them.
Think about it... if you were white, they wouldn't have caught you crying to Lincoln, they would have stalked you till you went crying to Washington. Think about it. -mel
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