Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lesbian Twins?

The occurrence of lesbian sisters is like the birth of twins. It's pretty rare and more often than not is hereditary. Yet I know two sets of lesbian sisters and only one set of twins. Shout out to April and Amy from the 4th grade! J.A.M. for life!!

Lesbian sisters, especially when there are 3 or less sisters in the fam, is a foreign concept to me. I come from a family of four sisters and only one is queer. Most of the queer people I know are the only queer ones in their immediate family. I imagine the parents of these queer siblings searching for a reason on how they produced more than one queer child. Was it the family football league? Alligator wrestling camp? Pippi Longstocking?

At the same time, I wonder if I deem this bizarre because the idea of queerness being an oddity to heterosexual norms is so deeply ingrained within me. Why must it be bizarre? Like breeds like, families breed similar traits, normalcy is relative. The fact that another sibling arrives queer should make people nod in understanding. "ah, well, they already had one, it makes sense." Am I wrong? Three out of four siblings in my family are straight. Weird! *right?*



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